Priza Programabila cu protectie EnerGenie

  • EG-PMS2 is an advanced surge protector with power management features. It is possible to individually switch 4 sockets on or off manually via your PC, by timer schedule, or by programmable special events (eg: switch on my scanner whenever I start Photoshop, or have my printer switched on only when I really print)
  • Stay in control of all your electrical devices at home or in the office
  • Program four sockets individually via your PC or laptop
  • Protect your valuable equipment
  • An advanced standby-killer for computer peripherals

  • Comutarea individuala a prizelor on/off manual din computer
  • Comutarea individuala a prizelor on/off de catre un programator de timp
  • Comutarea individuala a prizelor on/off oricand exista un eveniment software (ex: cand Windows-ul/alte soft-uri se deschid/inchid, cand print spooler-ul isi incepe si isi termina activitatea, etc)
  • Include filtru de zgomot cu frecventa radio (EMI/RFI filter), absoarbe 99% din zgomot in stadiul de alimentare si prelungeste viata echipamentelor electrice.
  • Programatorul de timp este activ chiar cand PC-ul operational este oprit
  • Priza cu protectie pentru copii
  • Gauri de montaj

Input voltage 220 – 230 VAC~ 50 – 60 Hz
Maximum load current 10A
Maximum current consumed by the EG-PMS2 from the computer USB port: 350mA
Maximum quantity of EG-PMS2 connected to one computer at the same time: no restrictions (only restricted by the maximum allowed quantity of the USB devices)
Plug and Play
Hardware schedule restrictions:
Maximum number of independent hardware schedules: 16 pcs
Time interval between the events: from 1 minute to 180 days
Timer accuracy: not more than 3 seconds error per day
Working temperature range: from +10 to +40 degrees Celsius
Dimensions: 378 x 98 x 55 mm
Net weight: not more than 1.3 kg

System Requirements
Computer running Windows 7/8/10/11 is required for using the Power Manager software
A free USB port
Helpdesk Email (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (NL time) excluding holidays)
driver Power Manager SDK (308 kb)
driver Energenie Power Manager v. (11601 kb)
Package Contents
User manual
USB cable
CD with Power Manager software for Windows

Packing Details
Q'ty in crtn, pcs10
Crtn volume, CBM0.04413625
Crtn weight, kgs12.8
Individual package size LxWxH:465x145x65 mm
Carton size LxWxH:425x335x310 mm
Country of originCN
Customs code8536301090
Packagingcolor box

Trade Mark

Product information sheet